The following programs are to help you in furthering your post-secondary planning and application process.
- myBlueprint
- This program is a computerized program available to Archbishop Jordan High School students that follows a comprehensive education and career planning process to meet the learning needs, interests and aspirations of all students. To access the program, your username and password will be the same as it is for you to log in to the ABJ Network.
- Go to You will be prompted to log in.
- This is an incredible resource to aid in your post-secondary planning, whatever that might look like for you.
- Please note that the credit count on myBlueprint is not accurate. For a true count of your completed credits you will need to access your Detailed Academic Report through your myPass account.
- ALIS (The Alberta Learning Information System) is a provincial online source for career, learning and employment information.
- Go to
- Students can click on “I am still in High School” where students can then explore content on “Plan Your Career”, “Explore Education and Training”, “CAREERinsite”, or “OCCInfo”, all of which are incredible resources that holistically support students as they plan for after high school.
Applications for post-secondary institutions open for students on October 1st of their Grade 12 year. It means that you will largely be applying to post-secondary with your Grade 11 final marks, so it makes planning ahead for post-secondary crucial for you prior to your Grade 12 year to ensure that you will have all the courses you require for your individual post-secondary plans! If you wanted to connect one on one with a counsellor to discuss what academic prerequisites are required for your most desired programs or schools we are always here to help and advise as we have the most up to date information at our disposal!