Our School

Grades Taught

9 to 12


Archbishop Jordan High is committed to the highest standards in education according to the rich tradition of Catholic schools—a tradition which emphasizes the formation of the whole person: mind, body, and soul. As such, programming at Archbishop Jordan reflects the variety of talents and dreams that our students have, whether it is academic, athletic, religious and/or artistic. At Archbishop Jordan we offer a number of career and education pathways, giving students rich opportunities for adapting their learning according to their aspirations and passions. Each program is tailored to student needs as well as disciplinary and industry expectations. It is our belief that the best education takes place when students are oriented towards a clearly defined goal. Uncertain of your future? No worries. Life experiences help shape our interests and passions. A well rounded education, which a more general approach, is a great way to find out what you love.


Welcome to the Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School. You will soon be entering a 21st century learning environment that is second to none in the province. The ABJ facility is state of the art and a leader in both programs and design. Through a highly technological focus you will be embarking on a personal learning plan that will be engaging and prepare you through your high school years for a world of great possibilities. We are confident that you will thrive as a member of the Jordan community, and experience the strong traditions and family environment that reflects pride in being a Scot. Students at Jordan have the opportunity to learn in a vibrant school community with an enthusiastic and dedicated staff. Students are encouraged to participate fully in the academic, athletic, spiritual, leadership and social life of the school. This student leadership creates a school community that reflects great energy and develops outstanding members of our society and faith communities of tomorrow. At Jordan each individual will become known personally and where their skills and talents will contribute to the continued success of this great school. Whether you are transitioning into your Grade 9, 10 or 11th year or are a member of the 2025 graduating class, it will be an outstanding experience. To all our new students: Welcome to Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School! To all our returning students: It’s great to have you back!


Our school motto “Scri cui credidi” translated is: I KNOW IN WHOM I PLACE MY CONFIDENCE (TRUST) 2 Tim 1:12. Inspired by Archbishop Anthony Jordan, the school that bears his name, Archbishop Jordan Catholic High school in Sherwood Park, Alberta, takes great solace in this, his motto and ours. For as Paul, in his letter to Timothy reminds us, Christ is present and with us always and thus we have nothing to fear and great love guiding us. It is our trust in Him who leads, saves and protects us as we continue our journey of faith and wisdom at Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School. Let He who died for us and we who are saved by Him be our focus and center of faith.


We, the constituents of the Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School community, strive to create an environment that will support the intellectual, cultural, physical, social, emotional and spiritual growth of the individual. In so doing, we believe that our efforts will enable our students, as Catholic citizens, to live rich and fulfilling lives in Christ and consequently contribute throughout their lifetime to the betterment of themselves, their community and society at large.

Programs and Services

French Immersion
Ukrainian Bilingual programming
Fine Arts
CTS Courses
Advanced Placement

Archbishop Jordan Library and Library Foundation

“To be information literate an individual must recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate and use the information as needed.” (Langford 1998)

The Archbishop Jordan Catholic High School library offers a wide range of print (English, Tagalog, French, Spanish, and Ukrainian) and non-print (DVD’s, audiotapes, CD’s, electronic databases and internet) resources to meet both curricular and personal needs of students and staff.

A part time library technician is available to help staff and students use the information in all of its forms.

The library is open from 8:30 AM to 3:15 PM each day. Students are encouraged work on their homework, read books, or use the various forms of technology that are available.

ABJ Library: The Foundation works to support the School Board mission which states:

"We are a Catholic community committed to developing educational opportunities in the context of Gospel values, where student's gifts and talents are celebrated and nurtured through lifelong spiritual and personal experiences."

The Foundation helps achieve this support by identifying and implementing projects that address special areas of excellence in Catholic Education.

Busing and Transportation

For transportation information and inquiries, please click here.