ABJ Japan Exchange Program

Edmonton Area Japan Exchange 2025

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At this time, there is no need for a detailed meeting regarding the Japan 2025 exchange.  What can be provided are the dates:

  1. Edmonton: April 11th, 2025  (Friday) ~ April 25th (Friday)- Hosting Japanese students in the Edmonton area. 

  2. Return Visit: July 18th (Thursday)~ August 2nd (Saturday)- return trip to Japan and being hosted by Japanese families. 

The cost will not be determined until late August, and based on discussions with the executive team, a tentative cost of $4200.00 has been decided. **This cost is subject to change.

Since we will not have a confirmed cost until late August, we will hold the first meeting for those interested individuals in September, 2024.  Date TBD. 

Further information will be added as it becomes available.

Any questions can be directed to: 

Elaan Zaleschuk,

Director and Chair



Please note that space will be limited and NOT all students who wish to participate will get the opportunity to travel to Japan. Please consider the opportunity will happen again in 2028.

Would you like one of a kind, high school experience?  This Edmonton Area Japan exchange happens once every 3 years and it is an experience you'd never forget.  Currently, Edmonton and Area will host and travel in 2025 and at present plans, in 2028.

Here is some information about the Japanese Reciprocal Exchange Program.

Historically, the program occurred every three years and 2019 was the last year of travel prior to the pandemic. This exchange is paired with students from Yamate Gakuin High School, located in Yokohama, Japan.  Compulsory international travel is a requirement for all students at the school. The Grade 11 students travel to North America.

This program is a two week- reciprocal homestay exchange where students stay in each others’ homes. Students spend time in each other’s school, touring local attractions, attending social functions, spending family time with their host families, etc.

 If traveling to Japan is not an option but you would like to participate, you are welcome to billet Japanese students (typically 2/home). Your child could participate in school activities, and of course provide your Japanese student an amazing experience.

Please contact Mrs. Elaan Zaleschuk, Director and Chair of Edmonton and Area Yamate Exchange Committee.

at elaanz@eics.ab.ca or edmontonyamate2025@gmail.com for more information. 



Parent/Student Interest and Information Meeting Wednesday, June 21, 6:00 PM at ABJ Library. 

Would you like one of a kind, high school experience?  This Edmonton Area Japan exchange happens once every 3 years and it is an experience you'd never forget.  Now that Japan is allowing foreign visitors post-pandemic back into the country, the exchange is moving forward.  

Edmonton will host and travel in 2025 and we couldn't be more excited!

Here is some information about the Japanese Reciprocal Exchange Program.

This program occurs every three years and 2019 was the last year travel was allowed before the pandemic! The students who are coming to Alberta are from Yamate Gakuin High School, located in Yokohama, Japan.  An international excursion is an integral part of the school’s educational program and is compulsory for all Grade 11 students at the school.

Students are billeted as they stay in each other’s country. This includes spending time in each other’s school, touring local attractions, attending social functions, spending family time with their host families, etc.  Should you wish to be involved in this program and can billet Japanese students, but are unable to travel to Japan, this would still be a wonderful opportunity to be involved in the exchange program.

If traveling to Japan is not an option for you, would you and your family consider billeting two Japanese students for 2 weeks?

Please contact Mrs. Elaan Zaleschuk, Director and Chair of Edmonton and Area Yamate Exchange Committee

at elaanz@eics.ab.ca or edmontonyamate2025@gmail.com for more information. 

 For more information, please peruse the brochure. 

Japan 2025: Edmonton and Area Yamate Exchange Information Brochure